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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Special Stuff!

Today was something special!  I knew right away, because Dad and Mom walked me together this morning.  I saw my friend, Dora!  She's so sweet.  We kissed. (*blush*)  Yup, we did.

Then Mom made a really great second breakfast - there were eggs and those buttery, crunchy muffins I like.  Yummmm.

Then REALLY special stuff started happening.  Mom and Dad were opening packages and taking things out and some of them were for ME!!!  I got a sweater!  And a new halter!  And a toy!  It has tasty treats inside of it.  I have to figure out how to get at them!!!  It's making me crazy!!!  I don't understand it.....hmmmm.  Hmmmm.  It's kind of fun, but, gosh!!! I just don't get it!!!!!! 


Then I had my dinner.  And my second dinner, as usual.  But then.....I got a SPECIAL TREAT!  I NEVER had ANYTHING like this!!!!!!

Mom kept trying to take my picture.  Why????  I just wanted my treat!!! It was GREAT!!!!!  Special Day with special treats and my family with me all day long - I couldn't be happier!!!

Harry Spotter had a lovely Christmas day - slept in a bit - No monsters!!!  He must be able to HEAR when it is a "No Monsters" day!!! He loves to take longer walks on those days......and he got to see (one of) his girlfriend, Dora!!!!  Harry is quite the ladies man.......Dora is a sweetheart and they nosed each other gave lickies....they were kissing for sure....

Then Harry got his presents - a new royal blue halter to go with his collar and a red sweater for those really cold days to come.  He doesn't have a double coat - Harry just has a single coat of bright, sparkling white and shiny black - so if the temperatures dip down into single digits like they did last year, he has a sweater to keep him warm and cozy inside. 

His human sister and illustrator of his book, sent him a special vegan treat - a cake pop!   I tried, we get his picture - he wanted that pop so badly ---- but he DIDN'T want his picture taken even MORE!!!!   He HATES his picture taken!!!   Here is what happened......

Such a handsome boy.  So happy.   Snarf!!!!  He is happy!!!!  Just DON"T TAKE HIS PICTURE!!!
I wish the world could see what a happy, handsome boy he is.......luckily a professional photographer took some at an event we went to a couple of months ---- from his Mom and Dad and from Harry Spotter -   Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Family

There's a big holiday coming up - I know because Mom and Dad got a bunch of food!   Oh, boy, I can't wait!!!  We get to stay home all day together, me and my family.

I have furry family all over the country, too!!  Yep, I do!   I have two Golden Retriever nephews in Connecticut, Chance and Summer.   And guess what?  Chance is a real, live THERAPY dog! That means he visits people in the hospital to make them feel better!  He had to have special training for that!

I have a little niece dog, her name is Gidget.  She's getting on in years, she is a miniature Doberman and she likes to dress up in silly outfits.  She lives in New Jersey, like me.

Down in Texas, way far away, I have grand nieces and nephews, cats and dogs.  Want to see a picture?

  That's Cinnamon on top with my Mom's human grand niece, Lilli.  Isn't she cute?  She likes to dress up too, so she put pink sunglasses on Fiona!!! They are upside down, but she likes them that way!  Haha!

And way over in Florida I have a nephew named Gus.  Gus is funny, he likes to chase light reflections and sometimes he gathers up his toys all in one spot.  Here's Gus and his Mom.  He's pretty handsome, but Mom tells me I am, too.

And there is another little nephew is Florida, he's only 4 months old!!!   Just a baby!  His name is Winston.
He looks like a real smart little guy!  His Mom said he IS a smart little guy!

And Speedy is a Labrador, he lives in Idaho.  I don't even know where that is.  Wow!

I wish I could have my furry family here for the holiday!  That would be so much fun! 

Well, that's my furry family - I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Mixed Messages

Yummm.  Tomato sauce and broccoli.  Mmmmm.  Second dinner was tasty!  Now I'm going to sit on my couch.  I love  my couch, I can rest my chin on the side and look at Mom and Dad while they look at the picture box.  I don't like that box so much, sometimes it flashes and makes noises too loud.  So I sit and look at my family.  Maybe snooze a little......  Huh?  Mom is raising her voice.  She's pointing at the box.  Dad and Mom are talking a little loud and Mom seems upset.  See?  I told you I don't like that box!

It was a commercial for beer.  I had seen it before and was appalled, so when it came on with my  husband in the room I asked him if he saw it the same way I did.  He agreed.

The ad shows a dog being left alone at home.  The owner goes out for the evening.  The owner has too much to drink and someone drives him.........somewhere.  He does not go home.  The dog is left alone all night long.  Ok.  So I understand that it is a good thing not to drink and drive.  However, it is NOT a good thing to leave your dog alone all night long.  That is also irresponsible.  Why wasn't the owner driven home?  Why didn't the owner take a cab?  Why didn't the owner have someone else dog sit?  So, thanks, beer company, for pointing out to people that drunk driving is dangerous, but did you have to do it at the expense of an innocent dog?  Are we, the audience, supposed to "like" your fictitious owner?  "I'm home....I'm home."  Yeah, great.  That is in the advertising world.  In the REAL world, that pup might have messed in the house, on the rug, on the furniture.  He might have decided to rip up a piece of furniture or two.  Our "owner" wouldn't be too pleased with himself in that case.  This ad shows neglect and a lack of caring while at the same time showing a "perfect" dog in a "perfect" world, so it's alright to leave your dog alone all night.  It is manipulative and ultimately cruel.  

So, people who may go out for an evening and drink too much:  Please don't drive drunk.  Also, please do NOT leave your dog unattended throughout the night.  Get driven home by a friend or a taxi or call a friend to baby sit while you are out.  THAT is responsible dog ownership.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Harry's in the Doghouse

I don't mind when Mom and Dad go out.  It's kind of fun.  I always get a special treat before they leave me alone.  Yay!  They went out the other day and I got bored.   There were some good smelly things in the kitchen.  Mmmmm.  I just had to figure out how to get to them.  They were inside the big can.  So I got it open with my nose and mouth.  But I still couldn't get all the good smelly stuff out.  Hmmmmm.  

So I got my paws up under the top and guess what happened????!!!!!  The whole thing fell down!  BAM!  Then it was great!  I had such a good time!  There was good smelly stuff all over the floor!  Yippee!

I licked out a bunch of my meal cups - the yummy stuff Mom puts on my kibble!  Ohhh, then there was this bag that smelled like one of my favorite things - CHEESE!   I took that into the bedroom with me - up on the bed.  Mmmmm. Mmmmmm.   So tasty! 

There were some pieces of popcorn.  Dad likes popcorn and throws bits at me for me to catch - it's a game we play!  There were yummy bits of popcorn on the floor.   And some cracker pieces.  And some vegetables.   It was a BANQUET!  My tummy was FULL!!

Then Mom and Dad came home and ..........Dad sort of yelled - "Oh, no!"  And he kept saying my name over and over.  So I ran to the bedroom because something was wrong.  Mom and Dad put the big can back up and took all the good smelly stuff off the floor.  Mom acted funny - she didn't rub my tummy or my head and say sweet things to me. 

I was really glad when it was time for my big walk - my tummy didn't feel so good by then.  Mom and Dad weren't mad at me anymore.   Guess I shouldn't have pulled the big can down, cause when I go to sniff it now they yell, "No!"  Darn.  It was fun.  

We were gone for two hours.  I knew something had happened by the volume and tone of my husband's voice.  The kitchen floor was strewn with garbage, the stainless steel bin had been knocked down somehow and Harry had a little party of his own while we were gone.  A telltale paper trail down the hall and into the bedroom led to more emptied and licked waste products.  He knew he was "in the doghouse."  He got the cold shoulder from us for several hours especially as we cleaned up the mess.  He was up and down off the bed all night long, too, so I suspect his stomach was not feeling particularly settled.

We ran into his friend the Bassett Hound, Dora, on our walk.  She had recently eaten an entire bag of people cookies.  We - the Moms -- were both worried about tummy troubles.  Ah, well.  Dogs will be dogs.   Harry!!  You were a naughty boy!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Harry is a Hobbit

Oh, boy!  After my breakfast and morning nap, that's when I get second breakfast!  I love second breakfast!  It's always a surprise!  Sometimes I get to lick a bowl that tastes a little cinnamonish and warm and good.  Sometimes it's a buttery, crunchy thing, just a nibble.  Sometimes it's a soft buttery nibble.  Ohhhhh. Makes me drool.  And sometimes I lick the rest of the peanut butter off a spoon!  They're all yummy!

After my suppertime and big walk, that's when Mom starts second dinner.  I love that, too!  Green beans or broccoli or peas!  Oh, boy!  Tomato sauce is tasty, too!  Mmmmmm.  I get excited before second dinner and run around the house.  I can't help it!  I can't wait to find out what second dinner is every day!

Yes, we've decided Harry is a Hobbit.  Even though his "second breakfast" and "second dinner" are little morsels of our leftovers, he waits patiently and politely, with a pool of drool forming beneath his chin, for his tasty treats.  While the evening meal is being prepared he trots around from room to room, making a circuit that includes a trip through the kitchen to check on the smells and to make sure I'm actively getting it ready.  This boy loves his vegetables!  I guess he has some empty spaces to fill.

Last night was tomato sauce!  I can't wait to find out what second dinner is tonight!!

Friday, October 17, 2014


Wow!  We went on another big trip!  It took a long, long time and we stopped in places that smelled like lots of strange dogs.  We stayed at another dog hotel.  I saw a little dog and a big one and a little cat who didn't want to come near me.  Darn.  I like cats. 

Then we went to Mom's human puppy place.  Mom and Dad emptied out the back of the car and took stuff up to her place.  Then they brought me back to the dog hotel and I stayed there alone for a little while.  I didn't like that and I barked a few times, but I just cuddled up in my bed.  Mom and Dad came back.

The next day was pretty much the same.  Strange smells.  I didn't find any snakes this time.  We all settled down at night.  The lights were turned off in this place, and no space ships came by.

What??? WHAT IS THAT????  A loud, loud, loud noise!  IT's horrible!!!  Mom!!! I'm scared!  Dad got dressed and went outside.  OH, no!  It's the aliens again!  This time is worse!  The noise won't stop.  Mom is dressed, too and looking outside.  Are they there, Mom?  Are they going to get us??  I'm shaking all over and inside and out.  Mom is talking to someone outside of the room.  Flashing lights!!!  Stomping!!!

Then it stopped.  The awful sound stopped.  Dad came back.  The space attack was over, but I slept in the bed with Mom the rest of the night. 

I was really glad when we piled into the car again and went home.  I was so happy to get home I ran into the bedroom, jumped on the bed and shouted, "Home, home, home!!!!"  Yay!

We drove out to Ohio to visit my daughter before the winter weather sets in.  We stayed at a different dog friendly hotel this time.  All was going fine, until 3am Sunday morning.  All of a sudden the fire alarms went off in the whole place.  It was deafening.  It was also pretty cold outside, and with Harry already shaking in fear, I stayed in waiting for word of what was going on.  It took almost twenty minutes for the fire department to show up, all the while the alarms were blasting.  Poor Harry was a puddle of trembles.  Then I heard the firemen stomping around upstairs and finally, at long last, the alarm was turned off.  Apparently there was a short in the system and no actual fire.  Geez.

Harry was so thrilled to arrive back home that he stood on the bed with his tail up and wagging and his head looking up to the ceiling and he barked for joy!  I don't think we will be making that trip again for some time.  It would be nice to be able to sleep through the night for a change.

Saturday, September 27, 2014


I knew it the moment we walked out the door.  I could smell it.  Someone was here, right here, right by my house!   This way, this way, Mom....noooo, you're pulling me the wrong way.  Here comes a car!  The lady in the car is talking to Mom.  Dad is here, too. 

Hey, you guys, there he is!   He's right here!   Hello!  Are you lost?  What's up?  Mom is acting weird.  Another car is here and the door is open.  Hey, they want you to get in the......why are you running?  Mom hands my leash
over to Dad. 

Dad takes me inside and gets some bits of chicken out of the fridge.  I'd like some chicken.
Then we go back outside.  Mom is running around with a lady  now and they are both yelling "Bandit!"  Mom is yelling "Come here!"  I know what THAT means.  So I start yelling, too!  Come here, Bandit!  I'm over here!  Dad gives the chicken bits to Mom.  I'd like some chicken.

Over here, Bandit!  Let's rub noses again!  I think Bandit was tired because he finally sat down when Mom told him to.  Mom kept talking to him and so did I.  Then the other lady came up behind him and slipped a leash over his head.  Then Mom gave Bandit a piece of chicken.  I'd like some chicken......

Then the lady and Mom walked Bandit home.  He lives just around the corner!  Dad and I watched.  Whew!  Bandit went inside.  Safe home again.

We were going out for his regular walk, but Harry was hot on the trail of a scent.  As a car drew up, I recognized the local dog walking lady.  She was looking for a neighbor's dog, Bandit, who had slipped out of his collar and was running all over the place.  By happenstance, I knew that Bandit was a Border Collie and I had a pretty good idea of where he lived.  We were all concerned that he would run outside of the community where some large tractor trailer trucks are often around.

At the same time, Bandit himself appeared and approached Harry.  They rubbed noses.  I reached for his collar, but he didn't have one on.  Then Bandit took off again.

I told my husband to go inside and get some grilled chicken bits I knew we had on hand.  Perhaps I could bribe Bandit with that.  The dog walking lady removed her belt to use as an ad hoc leash.  I used my "command" voice to tell Bandit to come and to sit.  He did, at last, but I think it was out of sheer exhaustion.  I continued to keep his attention with Harry's help while the dog walker snuck up behind him and quickly slipped the belt over his head.  Then Bandit walked like a perfect angel back to his house, just a couple of blocks away.  Harry watched as Bandit was returned safely to his home.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sweaty Pants!

Oh, boy.  Mom got home from that place she goes to.  She goes there a lot and stays there a long time.  I miss her and I wait for her to come home.  Finally!  Yay!  She always comes back and takes a shower.  I wait for her on the bed.  Hmmmm.  Something smells good!   Oh, boy!   There's a pile on the end of the bed.  Smelly good stuff.  Let's see.......they're ALL so tempting!  Hmmm,  hmmmm, I'll take these pants.  Ah, chewy!  Yum.  Nom, nom, nom.

Huh?  What's the matter?  Mom?  Why "Oh, no?"  What'd I do? 

Harry is a wonderful boy, sweet and docile.  But, like all of us, he isn't perfect.  I couldn't get mad because it was my fault.  In fact, I had to fight the urge to laugh, since he looked so absolutely delighted.  I left my sweaty gym clothes on the cedar chest at the end of the bed while I showered.  There he was, noshing away, having a good old time!  My gym pants were shredded! wasn't the first time.  I've lost a few items of clothing that way.  So I have to train myself to put my gym gear into the washer immediately. 

If I could only get him to be as interested in his toys as he is in sweaty pants.

Izz okay, baby, I still love you.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

It was a dark and stormy night....

It started right after my suppertime.   LOUD thunder and scary flashes of light.  I went to the spot where Dad sleeps on the bed and I tried to curl up real tiny and make myself as small as I could.   Even though I didn't want it to happen, my insides were shaking.   Mom came in and snuggled with me.  She tried to help the shaking stop.  I think the thunder scared her, too, because sometimes she held me REALLY tight.  Dad came in and pet me, too.  Mom even brought me a bone,  my favorite, all chickeny and chewy, but I was too scared to eat it.  So she snuggled me some more.

It stopped for awhile and I ate my bone.  I went out into the big room with Mom and Dad, too.  But all night long there was more thunder.  Sometimes I slept next to Mom.  She helps me feel safe.

Guess what?  Today was "No Monsters Day" again!  And my morning walk was nice!  The sun came out.  There was no more thunder.  So we all went on a big, big walk.  I went somewhere I never went before.  There was a big pond with ducks and a big white bird.  It was real pretty.  Then I met another new friend!  Her name is Snow!  Haha.  She is all white and fluffy, like snow!  Now I have lots of friends in the neighborhood.  

I hope the thunder doesn't come around again!

Harry had a difficult evening.  The thunder was fierce, the lightning was severe and the power went out for a little while!  He was restless through the night, alternating between his own bed and ours.  But with the morning came quiet and sunshine.  He seems to sense the one quiet day of the week and loves to walk, so this time we went outside of the boundaries of our community and visited a large pond.  There were mallards and two egrets silently gliding and standing by the edge of the water.

On our way home we met a woman with an American Eskimo dog named "Snow."  She was friendly (the ladies like Harry) and they had a good time meeting one another.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


And Dora and Rudy!   They're my buddies!   I really like it when I run into one of my friends when I take a walk.   Some of the other dogs in the neighborhood aren't so friendly.  I don't know why.  I'm an easy going guy.  Lots of them are little dogs and they just bark and growl at me for no reason.  It makes me sad. 

My first friend here was Daisy.  She's little, but she likes me anyway!  She gets excited when she sees me and pulls her Mom over, jumping on her leash.  She looks funny!
That's her in the picture!   Isn't she cute?  

My other friend is Dora.  She is a Basset Hound.  She always wants to play, so she barks because she is happy.  She has really short legs and long ears.  She slobbers a lot, too, but she's still my good friend.

Rudy is a chocolate lab.  He's bigger than I am!  He's a little older, too.  He doesn't want to play so much, but we rub noses and wag our happy meters when we see each other.  I hope I see one of my friends today!

It's true.  A lot of the little dogs here react badly to dogs that are larger than they are.  Sometimes Harry can cause quite a ruckus if several small dogs are out at once.   Daisy is a darling, the friendliest little girl.  She looks rather like a little lamb.  Dora goes into "play mode,"  which means she puts her front arms down and her backside up in the air.  Because of Dora's body type, however, she looks pretty funny when she does it, although she is a very pretty Basset Hound.  And Rudy is getting gray and walks a bit slower than the younger dogs, but he always greets Harry with a happy tail wag and a sniff or two. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Off we went in the car!  We got to a place I've never been to before!  Mom and Dad had a table and chairs, and they put out my water bowl and they had a bunch of biscuits.  Then all these people and dogs came by - lots and lots and lots!  There were Dalmatians, and Dobermans and Great Danes and a St. Bernard!  There were poodles and yorkies and bulldogs and terriers and lots of Goldens.

There was a pit bull named Spice Girl.  She was nice, we sniffed and wagged.  She was very gentle and sweet. She needs a home, right now she is in a foster home, MY foster home with the  nice lady.  She has a problem with one eye.  I hope that doesn't mean no one will love her, she's awfully nice.  There were some dogs who sort of looked like me!  HEY, do I know you?  Are we cousins? 

Lots of dogs drank from my water bowl, but that's okay.  I don't mind.  And the people next to us gave me some peanut butter treats!  I saw my foster Mom and other people I used to know a long time ago, before I found my family.  Mom told me what a good boy I am.  She did that a lot. 

We were there all day.  Then everyone packed up and went home.  Yay, suppertime!  I took a shortcut home, though, 'cause I was awful tired.  Big day, but it was fun!

Dogfest2014, in Bergen County, New Jersey.  It was our first time at such an event, so I was a novice trying desperately to learn the ropes.  Harry was a complete angel, as usual and rubbed noses with dozens of dogs in all shapes and sizes. 

We sold a few books (20% of profits go to "Almost Home Dog Rescue of NJ" Harry's alma mater) - I hope those who have a copy enjoy it.  For kids ages nine and up, it is a fun read and a great gift.  Isabella, Julia and Sofia, have a good time with it and keep your happy meters going.  Many, many thanks to all the people, youngsters and adults, because each time you buy a book you are helping a rescue group.  Spread the word and if you have the time, write a review on Amazon.  That will help Harry become more popular. We are very grateful for your support. Jethro, you too!  Let's make Harry Spotter a household name!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

I'm a travelling pup....

Wow, so after my Dad made the aliens go away, the next day we went to another place.  This was real close.  And I got out and sniffed around.  Hmmmmm. Rabbits, birds, not too many other dogs here.  We went up a bunch of steps and into an empty place.  But two guys came along and they both pet me and smiled and then they started filling up the place with lots of stuff.  Mom and Dad put out the funny air bed they used when we moved to our new house, so I sat on that.  I was pretty tired from being so scared the night before!  I watched Mom and her puppy put things away.  Then the guys left and everybody was putting stuff away and Dad was putting stuff together.  Hoooooo, mmmmmm, time for a nap.

Then I was getting pretty hungry and the place was looking nice  and Mom and Dad took me back to the hotel for suppertime.  Guess what I saw outside this time!  A snake!  I stepped right on it and Mom screamed!  It was slithering away real fast and I wanted to chase it.  Please, Mom?  She wouldn't let me.  I bet I could have caught it, too!

Then they went out again and left me with music on and lights.  Never turn out the lights, it keeps the outer space aliens away.  And we did, we kept them on all night, but this time we all got some sleep.  We went back to the puppy's place in the morning, and Mom and Dad helped put things up on the walls.  Then their puppy stayed there and we got in the car and went for a long, long, long time.  I really didn't like the car anymore.  After a long, long time we were HOME!!!! YAY!!! Home!!!!  Just in time for supper again!!!!  I'm so happy to be home!  Let's take a big walk all around.  Let's see, Daisy was here, Rudy was over there,  I'll leave them a message so they know I'm home! 

Ahhhh, my bed in my room in my house.  Lights OFF!   Goodnight!

Two strong young men helped move all our daughter's boxes and belongings off the truck and up three flights of stairs.  We spent the day unpacking, breaking up empty boxes and organizing.  We put together a desk, set up lamps and hung curtains and shower curtains and towels.  By five pm we were exhausted. 

Back at the hotel, when Harry took his after dinner walk, he startled a snake, which startled me and I let out a scream.  I am not a fan of snakes.  Harry wanted to catch it.  Oh, no. No, no,
no, no, no.

That evening we had dinner in a lovely Mediterranean restaurant called Laziza.  Being sleep deprived, tired from moving and unpacking and having happy tummies made sleeping with the lights on easy. 

In the morning we helped with some picture hanging.  The place came together pretty quickly so we said goodbye and hit the road for home.  Eight hours later, hurray!  Home, sweet home.  Harry was happy to take a long walk through the neighborhood, smelling the spots where all his friends had visited while we were gone.  This odyssey is officially over.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Aliens from Outer Space!!

Wow, so after everyone took a nap, they all got cleaned up.  Then, just like at home, Mom gave me a special treat - a dental bone, and they left me all alone.  But the TV was on and there was music, so I sat on the bed with my bone and watched TV! 

When everybody came back, Dad took me outside again.  I didn't have any more problems with the funny stairs.  Then it was bedtime.  There was no room for me on the bed.  That's ok, I usually sleep in my own bed anyway, until morning.  Whew, what a long day!  Boy, was I tired!

Then something terrible happened.  There were aliens from outer space!  They got into the room!  They were shining horrible lights everywhere!  I was terrified, so I buried my face into the side of the bed where Dad was.  I was shaking inside.  I didn't want to see those scary lights!

Dad went outside to find the aliens and make them go away and stop frightening me!  He came back and turned on a light.  I was still scared.  Dad kept comforting me, patting me over and over and over until my insides stopped shaking.  I don't think I slept at all.  I don't think Dad did either.  It was a ruff night. 
Once we were rested and cleaned up, we went into town to find a place to have some dinner before we collapsed.  We found a college hang out called "Panini's" which was fun and had decent enough food.  Harry seemed to be enjoying himself on the bed watching music videos from the sixties when we returned to the  hotel.
After his night time walk, it was time for bed.  I fell asleep immediately.  I was awakened by my husband because something on the ceiling was strobing light flashes all over the room.  Harry was curled up in a tight ball on the side of the bed trying desperately to hide his eyes.  What the heck?  How could anyone sleep with this?
My husband went down to the desk clerk to see if we could switch rooms.  There were no vacancies and the clerk apparently thought my husband was nuts.  He had no idea what we were talking about and couldn't do a thing about it.  So, we had to sleep with at least one regular light on to make the thing in the ceiling stop the light show.  Oh, my.  Needless to say, no one really got back to sleep.  It was a rough night, indeed.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Road Trip!

Wow!  We went far, far, far away!  My Mom and Dad have a puppy and she had to move to another place and we got in the car and we just kept going and going and going!  Boy, was I excited!  I was safe in the back cargo area - there is a fence that keeps me back there so Mom can drive and I can't jump in front with her.  I want to jump in front with her, but I had my bed and a pillow and an old sock I like to chew, so I was happy. 

The car was going up and down and up and down.  Sometimes I took a nap, sometimes I looked out the window.  Sometimes I got up to stretch and looked at Mom and her puppy up front and Mom would smile at me! 

After a long time we stopped and Mom let me out of the car so I could pee and stretch.  Then she gave me some cool water in my own bowl from home.  Boy, that water was SO good!  Then I had to hop back in the car and we would go and go and go some more. 

Mom stopped again after a long, long time and did the same thing as before.  I was starting not to like the car so much.  But I'm a good boy and I got back in after having more water.  This time Mom put music on.  We still had to go and go and go. 

Then Mom parked the car and let me out, and we were all out of the car and Mom wanted me to go up these steps, but they scared me!  I could see right through them!  I was afraid I would fall out!  Mom went up a couple of the steps and she kept telling me to come.  I was scared, so I did it very slowly.  I made it to the top!  Then she opened a door to a room with beds in it.  Oh, I remember, this is like when we moved!  I can hop up on the beds.  I hopped from bed to bed!  It was fun!  Mom and her puppy were tired.  I guess I was too, so we all took a nap.  Then Mom gave me my supper.  Where's Dad? 

Mom took me outside and down those funny stairs again.  Lots and lots of dogs have been here, I can smell them.   The next time I had to go up the funny stairs I did it faster and it wasn't so scary.  Yay!  Dad is here!  The pack is together!  I feel better now!  This was only the beginning, but I didn't know it yet.   I'm getting tired just telling you about it.  I think I will take a nap right now! I'll tell you more next time!


We had to drive all the way to Kent, Ohio - Kent State University.  My daughter (and illustrator of "The Amazing Canine Adventures of Harry Spotter") is starting a PhD program and job at the University.  We had to haul all of her stuff in a U-Haul to get her settled in her new apartment.  We're not so young anymore - it wan not an easy task.  The drive alone took eight hours.  Pennsylvania is 310 miles across and seemed to take FOREVER.  Going up the mountains I could feel the car working a bit harder, going down I didn't even need to step on the pedal. We stopped twice for gas, coffee and to let Harry out to stretch his legs.  He was such a good boy.  Every now and then I could see him in the rearview mirror, standing up and looking at me with his happy meter going. 

Once we got to the "dog hotel" in Kent, though, he was afraid of the slatted stairway up to our room on the second floor.  He was very hesitant and went up s-l-o-w-l-y.  When we got in the room, he was relaxed  again and made a point to visit each bed to evaluate its' comfort.  There were several areas outside where dogs "did their duty" and Harry had lots of sniffing to do.  We were all exhausted and had only just arrived.......

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Food! Glorious food!

I can't wait to get in from my walk!  That means it's breakfast time!  Oh, boy, my favorite!  My bowl filled with crunchy bits that have peas and carrots and green beans and gravy on top!  Oh, boy!  Then it's nap time with Mom.   I love nap time.

Then when Mom gets up SHE has breakfast, and she always shares with me!  I wonder what she'll have today.......if she has peanut butter, I get to lick the spoon!  If she has an English muffin, she cuts a little piece off for me!  If she has a croissant, I get the crunchy, tasty, buttery end.  I can't wait.   Oh, boy, English muffin day! My favorite!

I get excited if my Mom and Dad have to go somewhere.  They always give me a special treat!  I get to stay home by myself and have my special treat!  So, I don't mind when they have to leave me sometimes.  In fact, it's my favorite thing!

Later in the day it's suppertime!  I love suppertime!  They always ask me, "What time is it?"  And I KNOW that means suppertime!  Yay!  Then we go on a big walk and then I get my nighttime treat!  What will it be today?  A dental bone?  A chewy bone? A biscuit?  I can't wait!  It's my favorite thing!

Sometimes Mom brushes my teeth.  I like that, too!  It's tasty! 

Ah, bedtime!  I love bedtime, cause it means when I wake up, it will be time for breakfast! Yay!

It is hard to believe I once had to hand feed Harry, when he was new to us and unfamiliar.  He loves food and lives his day looking forward to the next gastronomical pleasure.  Suppertime gets a big response, with his happy meter going full blast, he runs through the house and barks out three syllables - Sup per time!   Another total favorite are home made peanut butter biscuits that I will bake for him when I'm really ambitious.  And he has special dog toothpaste that he doesn't mind at all so we can make sure his teeth stay healthy and free of plaque. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Oh, boy!  Let's go out, c'mon!  No monsters day!  Oh, boy, c'mon, let's go out, let's go out, let's go out!!  Ahhhh.  It's nice today.  Quiet and breezy.  The breeze feels good.  Sniffing around, sniffing around.....there's a squirrel.  If....I....move....slowly....I....can....sneak.....up......DARN!  Up a tree.  Stupid squirrel.   Wait!  What's that?  A little, tiny creature!  Can I rub your nose, little creature?  Huh? Yipes!  It's screaming at me!  Mom calls it "chippy."  Boy, is he fast!  Faster than the squirrels!  A long time ago he could have been a bite size snack.  But I'm getting breakfast as soon as we get home, right Mom?  Oh, boy, can't wait.

Yes, Harry encountered a chipmunk on his morning walk and was VERY interested in getting up close and personal.  The little guy squeaked very loudly and startled Harry just long enough to make his exit.  What Harry would do with a chipmunk or a squirrel if he could get close is anybody's guess.  I'm not willing to find out!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

I made it through the rain!

Gosh, I was so scared.  I could feel the storm coming.   Mom and Dad tried to make me feel better.  They kept saying "Izz okay" and patting me, but I was still scared.  My insides were shaking.  That made my outsides shake, too.  Mom sat on the floor with me and kept petting me over and over.  Those big booms were even shaking the house!  I slept next to Mom all night.  Sometimes she put her hand down and pet me again. 

The next morning wasn't much better.  It was really windy.  Too windy.  It was strange. At least there were no more booms.  But I walked really fast.  I just wanted to get back inside where I feel safe. 

Later Mom and Dad kept checking on me.  Why?  Izz okay. Storm is over. 

Uh-oh.  I hear booms.  They sound far away.  Way, far away.  I'm not too scared, but Mom and Dad keep checking anyway.  The far away booms stopped.  All gone. I slept in my bed, just like always.  Today the sun came out. Yay!

What Harry didn't know was that the Fourth of July was approaching and with it would be fireworks.  We already knew how frightened he was of thunder and lightning.  So frightened that he spent an entire evening trembling even though we were comforting him.  Amazingly, the fireworks weren't so bad.  Their noise was barely noticeable above the sound of the television and Harry wasn't fazed one bit.  And, although there were several firework displays going on, they were all over by ten p.m.  All that worry and Harry was fine.  Yay!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

No Monsters Day!

Yippee!  It's No Monsters Day!  I know because Mom and Dad are sleeping too long and it's nice and quiet, just the way I like it.  I love No Monsters Day!  I have to try and wake up Mom.  I'll go over and wuffle her face.   wuffle, snuffle, wuffle   Oh, no!  She just rolled over....  Ok, I'll go whimper over on Dad's side.  hmmmmmmph.  hmmmmmmpph.  Oh, boy!  It worked!  They're getting up.  Yay!  I can't wait to go outside!

Ahhhh, today I can take a BIG walk.  No monsters!  I can sniff and sniff.  I can stop and smell the roses.  I can walk by the stream and chase some squirrels.  I can stick my nose in a bush and -!!! Hey!  Hey, Bird!  You startled me!  

Let's go all around the BIG block today!  I can hear the little dogs barking at me from inside.  Yep, this is my favorite day!  No Monsters Day!  Tail up and wagging!

Whatever happened to Harry before he was rescued left him forever afraid of large vehicles, especially noisy ones, like garbage trucks or ambulances.  To him, they are monsters and can do nothing but frighten and harm.  Sunday mornings are, by contrast to other days, very quiet.  There are no recycle or garbage trucks, no large delivery trucks, no mail trucks.  It is the one day a week that he loves to go for a long morning walk through the neighborhood.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Oh, Boy! Giant Dog Park!

Where we goin'?  Where?  Where?  OH, I smell it, I smell it!! The dog park?  No, it's the GIANT dog park!!!  I love this place!   Oh, boy!  I get to sniff around, and sniff around and even rub noses with the dogs.  They are the biggest dogs I've ever seen!

There is a regular dog park where I go inside the fence and run around and play with other dogs like me.  These are the GIANT dogs.  They seem very gentle and nice, but I can't go inside the fence with them.  We just rub noses.  They like carrots.  I like carrots, too!

We walk ALL around the giant dog park.  There's other things in there too, like this funny looking guy.  He looks angry, I think I'll stay away from him....

Oh, look!  Puppies!

Wow! That was a big walk.  Back to the car, time to go home.  Fun!
Harry does love the park, whether it is the dog park or the enclosed area where there are deer, goats, geese and a peacock.  The deer are allowed to have carrots, which is one of Harry's favorite treats.  They are used to people and come right up.  They like Harry, perhaps because he is also gentle and sweet.   It was a beautiful day to take a walk in the park!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Harry is camera shy.....

Oh, boy!  I have a blog!   This is great!   I have a book, too!   Who would've thought?  What a lucky dog I am!   Let me show you around......

This is my couch.  I love my couch, I can rest my head on the sides or stretch out or snuggle up!  That's me on my couch!

That's my bowls for breakfast and suppertime!  There I am getting some water.  I LOVE suppertime!  After suppertime I go on a walk and if I'm lucky I'll see Daisy, my friend.

That's me in my bed, that's where I sleep at night until the sun comes up and then I jump up in bed with Mom and Dad until it's time for a walk and breakfast.

Here I am in the living room.  Don't take my picture, Mom, pleeeeaaaaassseeee.
What?  There's no dog in the picutres?  Yes there is, or was.  Although Harry was having his picture taken, he managed to run away quickly enough so that only the tip of his tail appears in the picture of his bed.  Harry is afraid of having his picture taken and cannot stand flashing lights in a camera, on a police car or even in a TV commercial.  They frighten him terribly.  That is why his book is illustrated (by Alyx Weaver).  Sometimes, on a bright, sunny day or if he is deeply, sound asleep, though, it is possible to see the REAL Harry Spotter!
(Please "like" Harry's Facebook page - "The Amazing Canine Adventures of Harry Spotter")