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Friday, September 28, 2018

Just in time...

When I was a pup, I was afraid of almost everything!  I talk about that in my books.   One of the worst things was the monsters outside, the garbage monsters and the mower monsters.  When they were outside, I would stay INSIDE.  I would NOT go out.  Nope.  No way.

Then we moved here.  And there were still garbage monsters and mower monsters.  But you know what?  They don't bother me anymore!

My pack noticed, too!  When we were walking the other day, I marched right past TWO noisy mower monsters.  Yep, TWO!  And I didn't pay any attention to them.  Mom said, "Wow, look at that!"  And she meant me, look at me!  Then Dad said, "Just in time."  And Mom said "Just in time."  Just in time?  Just in time for what?  What?  What could that mean????

Friday, September 21, 2018

They say it's your birthday...

Hey, it's my birthday!  My OFFICIAL birthday!   Mom says that makes me like the Queen of England.  Haha!  I don't know what that means.   But, anyway, I had all my favorite things today.   I had some peas, and spagetters and chicken broth.  AND I got a special treat - something yummy.  I hope I get more of those soon!    

Today I am six and a half.  So next year I will be a year and a half older.  No, that's not right. Next year I will be a year older by half.  ????  That isn't right either.   My OFFICIAL birthday is too  many places so I can't change it.  BUT I won't be seven until the springtime.  There.  That's right.

I have to get back to my birthday now.  I might be getting more treats!!