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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Just can't wait to get on the road

Doodley, doodley, doot, doot…..I love my walks here!  My happy meter gets out of control when it's time to go outside.  I especially love "no monsters" day.   They don't have the same giant monsters here that we used to have, just little monsters, so they don't scare me so much.

Sometimes I like to go to the piazza because lots of nice people are there and sometimes I get to see my friend, Hugo.  And sometimes I like to go up the hill, so I can pass the good smelly stores.  
The other evening I was heading for the good smelly places when I had to go.  A pup has got to do what a pup has got to do!  And guess what?  I stopped traffic!  Hahaha. I did!  All the little monsters had to stop and wait until I was done.   I wasn't afraid.  Some girls walked by and thought it was funny.   I thought it was pretty funny, too!  

Mom say's I'm a "traffic stopper!"  I know I'm a good looking boy, but I must be REALLY handsome to be a "traffic stopper!"

Well, time to head back home now!

Since this is a medieval town, there are few actual "sidewalks," so people are always walking in the streets.  It is common for the cars to stop for people and they do even when someone is attempting to cross where there is not a designated crosswalk.  The "main" street in town is also one way because it is quite narrow. But how often do they stop for dogs doing their business?  Not that often.  This just happened to be in the middle of what one would call a "rush hour" here, yet no one seemed to mind and passersby got a kick out of it.  And Harry seems to have lost his fear of vehicles or perhaps he is just preoccupied with all the interesting aromas.

Monday, December 24, 2018

"Tis the season....

You all know I don't like to have my picture taken, right?  I run away from cameras....sometimes people, even my Mom, try to take pictures of me without me knowing it, but I'm a pretty smart pup and I usually know! 

So, here's a picture of  my niece.  She LIKES having her picture taken.  Her name is Thea and she lives somewhere that is kind of cold...

This is my way of saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!  Have fun and be good!  Woof!

Monday, December 17, 2018

There's no place like home for the holidays

Wow!  Big things happening.  There were all kinds of people here and the door was open all day and these guys were coming in with lots of stuff.   And guess what?  I know this stuff!  It's our stuff!  I can SMELL it!  Mom found my bowls, so I don't have to chase my food all over the floor anymore, haha!   And I have my big, big comfy couch back!   I LOVE my couch!  I can lean my head on the sides or I can snuggle in a corner, or I can stretch out, oh boy!  Oh, boy!  

It was pretty fun!  I even went outside by myself a couple of times to check on everyone.  But then I went back inside to make sure my pack was there.  I was "supervising."  I don't know what that means, but it sounds important.

There are lots of boxes everywhere, but we have our furniture back!  So my comfy couch is leaning on a dresser now, and so the bedroom is one of my favorite places!  And we have another room we can use now, with chairs in it.  Mom and Dad seemed pretty happy to be in there and they played music and I have another bed in there, too, and I think we all fell asleep!  

That night that all the people were here, I slept really, really well in my comfy couch.   I even got up late the next day.  We all did.   

So, I guess this is home?  Sure smells like it now!

We have a bit of unpacking to do.(!!)  But each day we make a little headway.  

Harry was a good boy while everything was chaotic, but it is really nice to have some rugs on the floors and actual furniture. Our boy was very happy to see, smell and sleep on his big, cushy couch that has bolsters on three sides.  He slept like a puppy that first night. 

We may not be entirely comfortable for several more months, but we have a "path" into the living room now and can sit in our chairs and listen to the stereo.  The bedroom is done as far as furniture, we just need to find our belongings and put them away.  The dining room is the same, with cabinets that need to be filled.  I just found our dishes and silverware today, along with pots and pans.  

We have no expectations for "holiday" décor this year...that is just not going to happen.  But the worst is over, and for that we are very grateful.  Little by little, it is starting to feel like home. Right, Harry?

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Just like me, they long to be close to you

Doot, doot....dooot....oh boy! So many things to smell!  The streets here are made of stones.  And there's lots of little stores with good smelly things.  There is a meat store, and I smell cheese nearby.  And there is a store with just fish! I keep trying to go in there, but my pack won't let me.   Why can't I go in the good smelly fish store?  

Yep, I really like my walks here.  I'm beginning to learn my way around and go where I like to go the best.  And the people like me!  Especially girls.   They stop and give me pets and tell me how handsome I am, but they say "Bello cane!"  I know what that means!  I am learning a new way to say things.  I know "Andiamo"  and "Fuori"...and "Bravo ragazzo!"  But my favorite is "Bello cane" cause that means I am a handsome pup!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

You've got a friend

Oh, boy!!!   I am in a VERY interesting place!  Now that I'm all rested, I feel lots better.  I'm eating again...that makes Mom happy.  The food here is really good, I have tomato and spinach biscuits!  They are yumbers!

And I really, really like taking walks around here.  There's so many things to smell!  And lots of people and other pups.   

And guess what?  I made a friend!  He sort of looks like me a little, but he's a tiny bit smaller than I am.  His name is Hugo, but don't say the "H"'s like Ugo.  That's because we are in Italy.  I'm always happy now when I see Hugo!  And his person says I am "bello."  That means handsome.  Hugo and I are amici!  

Harry and Hugo saw each other and made eye contact...friends at first sight!  I said they were "come fratelli" brothers...they look somewhat alike.  I am so happy that Harry enjoys his walks, he gets so excited when it is time to go outside!  Another big "thank you" to Sally Smith at Airborne Animals for making his trip safe and timely!  Here is Harry on a walk to the city gate.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Sing a song and sail along the silver skies....

Hey!!  When I dream, I dream I am SUPER SPOTTER, flying through the night, helping other pups in need.   But guess what?   I can really fly!  Yes, it's true.  I was FLYING!!!!  I was pretty scared.  I was scared A LOT!  And I  missed my Mom.  But, I'm a good boy and I made it!  I am someplace far, far away from where I was.  Mom is here.  I was with a lady and she was walking with me up these funny stone streets.  And I thought I saw my Mom.  So, I barked, really, really loud.   And it WAS my Mom!!!  Yay!!!  

It's going to take me a while to figure this all out.  But my old bed is here.  And my bowls.  The food is good!  And there are lots of new and strange things to smell outside.  I like that!  

I'm pretty tired now. I guess I will tell you more sometime later.

Harry took an airplane to Italy!  We BOTH want to thank Sally Smith at Airborne Animals and AnnaMaria and Cecilia with Bliss Pets in Italy for taking good care of him and bringing him RIGHT to my door!!!  He's a little jet lagged and bewildered, but he is settling in fine.  The lady upstairs said, "Che bello cane!" (What a handsome dog!)  Yes, he is.  And a bravo ragazzo, too! 

Monday, October 8, 2018

You're mine! And we belong together...

Oh, hey!  Over and around the block there is a pup I know.  We've been nodding and rubbing noses the whole summer.  His name is Vader.  He is bigger than me, but he is mostly fur, I think.  He is a very fuzzy dog, and he is all black.   

Sometimes when he is sitting in front of where he lives, he is on a lead, like I used to have in our backyard.  But one time his person was outside with him.  I have noticed that people with pups like to talk.  So my pack started talking and talking.  Vader said "hello" to me, like always, but then he made me just a little bit annoyed.  He sat on my Mom's feet!!  Everyone was laughing, except me.   

Vader's Dad said, "Oh, he likes you and wants to keep you here!"  Hmmmmmm.  I think not.  I think it is time to walk back home.  And I said so!!  Vader did not want to get up, but his Dad told him he had to.  Izz okay.  We are still friends.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Just in time...

When I was a pup, I was afraid of almost everything!  I talk about that in my books.   One of the worst things was the monsters outside, the garbage monsters and the mower monsters.  When they were outside, I would stay INSIDE.  I would NOT go out.  Nope.  No way.

Then we moved here.  And there were still garbage monsters and mower monsters.  But you know what?  They don't bother me anymore!

My pack noticed, too!  When we were walking the other day, I marched right past TWO noisy mower monsters.  Yep, TWO!  And I didn't pay any attention to them.  Mom said, "Wow, look at that!"  And she meant me, look at me!  Then Dad said, "Just in time."  And Mom said "Just in time."  Just in time?  Just in time for what?  What?  What could that mean????

Friday, September 21, 2018

They say it's your birthday...

Hey, it's my birthday!  My OFFICIAL birthday!   Mom says that makes me like the Queen of England.  Haha!  I don't know what that means.   But, anyway, I had all my favorite things today.   I had some peas, and spagetters and chicken broth.  AND I got a special treat - something yummy.  I hope I get more of those soon!    

Today I am six and a half.  So next year I will be a year and a half older.  No, that's not right. Next year I will be a year older by half.  ????  That isn't right either.   My OFFICIAL birthday is too  many places so I can't change it.  BUT I won't be seven until the springtime.  There.  That's right.

I have to get back to my birthday now.  I might be getting more treats!!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Something's coming, I don't know what it is.

Hmmmmm.  Something is going on.   I don't know what to think.  My pack was crying.   Then they were laughing!  I am so confused.  Nothing is changing.   What is going on?  I can feel that something is going on.  *sigh*  I am worried.   Sort of.   Grrrmmmmm.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Sunrise, sunset.....sunrise, sunset....

I love waking up every morning!  I can't wait because I know I will get a yummy breakfast and a nice walk.  When I wake up I do  my happy wiggle  worm dance!   When I go out on my walk, I'm all up tail and my happy meter is working overtime!!  It's the best time.  Especially now, because it gets really hot later.  The morning is still nice and cool!!

I like my afternoon walk, too and my after suppertime walk.  The only thing I don't like too much is the nighttime.  I don't really walk around, I just go out really quick and come right back in.  I still don't like it.  

By nighttime I'm all comfy in my bed and my tummy is happy.  Mom has to wake me up.  She says "Andiamo!" I know what that means...I have to go out.  Besides being comfy and cozy, I just don't like the dark.  Nope.  I do not like it.   I don't like the bright lights of the cars that go by and I don't like it because there could be critters out there.  I put my happy meter away, between my legs.  I just want to get right back inside as fast as I can!   Then I can settle down and begin to look forward to my happy morning walk again.  Yay!!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

It's all in the game...

No one ever taught me how to play with toys.  Oh, Mom tried.  I had a bunch of toys.   I just never did anything with them.  Now I have one toy.  I really like my toy, because when I bop it around it gives me treats!  I just don't see the point of running after a ball or a frisbee.  Or a stick.  A wood stick?  I figure if I can't eat it, why bother?

But we play little games sometimes.  I used to like pretending I had no legs so Mom had to struggle to get my halter on!   I don't do that anymore.   I like going out here, so I can't wait to get out the door!  

And Dad throws me popcorn, sometimes, but I'm not very good at catching it.  I don't know why.  They just always get away from me, like butterflies.

But everyone has a talent, and SO do I!  When Mom and Dad have these tasty little sesame sticks, they will throw one every now and then.  And guess what?  I am a CHAMPION sesame stick catcher!  Really!  I hardly ever miss.  I just open up the vapor lock and in it goes!   Maybe that is part of my magic, like opening doors with my brain!  

I might not know how to play with toys, but sesame sticks taste WAY better, anyway!!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

People stop and stare, they don't bother me...

We were walking on the street where I live and there were some people across the street.  They had little people with them and they were all looking at me and pointing.  Well, I know I'm a handsome guy, everybody says so!   We went to say "hello" to them and then I got really busy with the little ones and they had cookies, too!  Peanut Butter!  Yumbers!  So, my Mom is going to tell this story...
Walking Harry at nearly 6 p.m., still 90 degrees...meandering along. There is a family across the street - Mom, Dad, who is holding a baby girl, and a young boy and girl, about 5 and 7. Maybe Latino, I don't know....whatever...I see they are very interested in Harry. I see the father point to show the baby the "doggie.", husband, Harry and I cross the street...they want to see.

As we approach, I say, "He is friendly!" and there are smiles all around. They are not Latino, they are Indian. The woman, the Mom, is freaking gorgeous. The older kids are each holding a cookie...anyway, knowing Harry is friendly, he gets lots of pets as we caution the kids to keep the cookies away...hahaha...Harry LOVES food!...The little boy wants to give him some cookie..and I tell him that chocolate is not good for dogs, although Harry likes peanut butter a lot. "OH, the cookie IS peanut butter! I can give him just a peanut butter bit!" Ok...and he does, to his delight. And another! The Dad asks, "What is his name?" We say, in unison, "Harry"....and then I add, "Well, his full name is Harry Spotter"....and then I heard a most wonderful sound...I heard his name as I have only heard it in my head....the way I always wanted to hear it...with a clipped British accent......"Harry SPOT - Tah!!! Ah..hahahahaha!" I was so tickled. Finally!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Me and my shadow...

I don't like having my picture taken.  Nope.  Not ever!  Mom will tell you because she tries sometimes but only gets pictures of empty places!! Hahaha.  Sometimes she is really sneaky and she DOES get a picture, but it's not easy!!

My Dad found a picture of another dog, but he kind of looks like me!  He does, but he doesn't! Mom said he has the same espresso.  I don't know what that means, but he does sort of have my face!   How'd that happen?  Here, look!

See?  It's me, but it's not!!  Like my shadow!
That is Seth Abramson's dog, the journalist.  It is rather amazing that the facial expression is so much like our boy, Harry.  His coloring is different, but that face!!!!  Here is Harry in a VERY rare, decent photo. 

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Ding, ding, ding went the bell....

A while ago we took a ride to the big dog store, that place where I can open the doors with my magical powers!  I had my nails clipped. Then Mom surprised me with a spiffy new collar! Yay!  I like it because it isn't as tight as my old collar. 

There is one problem, though.  When it is breakfast or suppertime, my tags hit the side of my bowl and it makes a terrible racket. CLANG!!  CLANG!! Ouch!  It hurts my ears!

But my Mom caught on pretty quick for a hooman and now she takes my collar off when it is time for me to eat.  I still like my new collar.  It makes me feel even more handsome than I already did! 


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

I was strolling through the park one day....

There are lots of nice parks around here.  Some are really big.  One has a big stream and bridges and big trees and flowers. Some are smaller. 

There is a small one near us, it only takes a minute to get there!  Maybe more than a minute, but it is really close!  This one has trees around, but there is a path that we all walk, me and my pack. It goes round and round and there's lots of good smelly places and flowers.

Other packs like to walk round and round there, too.  Sometimes I get to meet someone.  The last time we went, I met a little guy who was kind of like my old buddy, Beau.  But his name was Charlie and he didn't growl at me or anything. We had a nice chat.  So, I decided to introduce myself to his Mom and she was nice, too and she had a nice chat with my pack.

Boy, the was fun!  I hope we keep going there and round and round and round! 

We found a small park that used to be the site of some sort of training school in the late 1800s.  The center still contains a small portion of a wall.  There is now a playground and a picnic pavilion there as well.  Circling the perimeter is a walking path - paved.  It is a pleasant place to take a stroll and it seems many come there to walk, jog, push a baby carriage and take their dogs.

A lady was approaching us with her dog - usually little dogs have a problem with Harry just because he is not small.  He isn't exactly "large" either - he is the high end of medium and the low end of large. (Sigh!)

Nevertheless, this little guy had no problem with Harry. They rubbed noses, happy meters wagging off the charts.  Then they proceeded to crack us all up by having a conversation,  I mean, really.  Harry would say something....woof, arf.  Then little Charlie piped up ...ruff, ruff.  Then Harry had something else to say.  Then Charlie. Each took their turn and was very polite.  Then Harry approached the lady walking Charlie and got some nice pets.

Harry won't tell me what they were talking about.  Probably just the nice weather and the walk, don't you think?  The usual pleasantries.  My boy, Harry Spotter, such a gentleman.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

I'll be watching you....

I watch my pack.  It's my job but I like to do it anyway.  And I listen all the time, too.  That way I know if someone is sad or mad or happy.  Or if they are sick.  Because it's my job to help them feel better!  I don't mind at all.  It just comes naturally.

I like to watch them eat, too.  It's fun because of all the good smelly things!  Like broccoli!  Good smelly broccoli gets saved for my breakfast and my suppertime and it's my favorite.  My other favorite is peas.  I love peas.  Oh, and spagetters, they are my favorite, too.  And when my pack eats, I always get the schnibs.  ALWAYS. That's my second breakfast and second dinner!   It isn't very much, but it is always yumbers!

So, I was thinking that it's only fair that my pack watch me eat, too!  Yep.  Why not?   Mom usually watches me have my breakfast and suppertime, but in between I have snacks that are good for my teeth.  And they forget to watch me.  So I have to remind them.  That's when I yell at them.  Not a lot, just a little.  They understand Spotter pretty well now, so it doesn't take long.  Sometimes I don't even have to yell, just whimper a bit and they "get" it! "Come in here and watch me eat my bone!"  Haha, I've trained them well.  I watch you so YOU watch ME!  The only difference is, I don't share my schnibs.  They don't seem to mind. 


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

You ain't nothing but a hound dog.....

I'm a pretty smart pup.  Have I told you that before? I have noticed in my travels that some dogs belong to clubs.  Yep, they do.  Some are in little dog clubs and they don't like dogs that aren't little, too.  At least, not too  much.  Some little dogs are nice but most of them bark at me.  I don't think it's very nice.

And there is a Golden club.  I have seen that with my very own, very sharp eyes.  And at the big dog store I noticed a Dobie club.  Hmmmm.  One of the Dobies at the store was a girl.  She was REAL pretty.

I didn't think I had a club.  But then another time at the big dog store, I was looking for Mom so I called her.  And a little hooman boy said, "Sounds like a hound."  Hound?  I have heard that word before.  Mom sometimes sings a funny song to me with that word.  Am I a hound?

The weather has been getting just a teeny tiny bit better.  So my pack and I have started to make our walks just a little longer.  Around the corner and on the other side, we were walking one day and there was a dog outside of their house.  Big, like me.  Even a little bigger.  Floppy ears, long snout....friendly, too!   Mom said "hound."  

Now, when we walk, if that hound is outside, he just nods at us.  And I nod back.  We don't bark at each other or make a fuss.  We just say "hello" hound style.  I think I have a club of my own!  The Hound Club!  Yay!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

I'm popular!

Hey, everybody?  Did you know I have a Facebook page!  It is called the same thing as my first book, The Amazing Canine Adventures of Harry Spotter!   Did you know something else?  Now I'm on Instagram, too!  

Saturday, March 17, 2018

I feel stunning, oh, so stunning!

Oh, boy!  A ride in the car!  Where we going?  Where we going?  It's kind of cold out......a park?  Where we going?  

Oh, I know this place.....I can use my magical powers to open the doors!  There's lots of other dogs here....and good smelly things!  Food and treats and dog butts!  Lots of people to smile at me and tell me what a handsome boy I am!

What....wait!  What is this?  It's not the dogtor......but this lady is putting me on a table and the table goes UP!  I can see everything from up here!  Except Mom....I don't know where she went, but I will keep looking.

Other dogs are on tables, too.  They are getting haircuts.  My nails are getting clipped.  Gee, that was FAST!  All done!

Oh, boy, there's my pack.  Hey, let's get out of here!  I see the doors, I know where they are, c'mon, let's go!

We all pile back in the car and when I get home, Mom puts a new collar on me!  She says it's "spiffy."  I don't know what that means, but it does have little bones on it.  I guess I feel spiffy now! Oh, SO spiffy!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Does anybody really know what time it is?

I was born with a clock in me!  I was!  I always know what time it is.  I'm not sure how I know...maybe it is another one of my magical powers?  But I do always know what time it is.

I know when it is morning and it's time for my Dad to get up.  Sometimes he doesn't know what time it is, so I have to tell him.  When he finally hears me, he knows he has to get up.  I like that, too, because then I get to take over the bed and snuggle for a while with Mom!

But pretty soon I know it's time for me to take a walk and have my breakfast, so I have to wake Mom up, too.  

After my breakfast we get to nap some more in the bed.  I only get up if Dad has a second breakfast, because I get schnibbles.  But that's not a problem because I can always go back to bed, ha ha!

Later on I know that it's time for another walk and sure enough, everybody starts putting shoes on!  

And then comes my very best favorite time of the day....SUPPERTIME!  I love suppertime!  I especially love spagetters, but I love my veggies, too!

After my suppertime comes hooman suppertime and I get schnibbles of that, too!  Yumbers.

Pretty soon it's night time.  Time for one last run out the door and a big nap curled up in my bed.   

Don't know what time it is?  Just ask me!!  I have a clock in me!
I used to think Harry used the figure out what time of day it was.  But now I am beginning to think it is more than that....his stomach, perhaps?  A combination of the two?  Whatever it is, he has an uncanny knack for always knowing the correct time.   Good boy!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

That ain't the way to have fun, son......

Uh-oh.  Uh-oh.  I got in trouble again.  I didn't mean it.  I can't stand it when I get yelled at. If I find something interesting outside and put it in my mouth and Mom yells at me, I spit it out!  I listen.  I do.

Mom and Dad went out.  I had a treat and my Kong toy.  I love my Kong toy, it has treats inside.  I have to get them!  It's fun.

I guess I could have taken a nap.  But something was all good smelly in the garbage and they forgot and left it on the floor.  It smelled SO good!  And nobody was yelling.  So I tipped it over and went foraging.  There wasn't  much in there.  But I found the good smelly thing.  Smells like turkey!  Ooooooh.  Yumbers.  

But when they came back home, there was yelling.  Uh-oh.  I ran to the bedroom so they couldn't see me.  They were upset.  And they had to get that noisy clean up monster out.

After a while there was no more yelling and the monster went back in the closet.  But Mom and Dad were still upset.  I could just tell.

What's really funny is my suppertime was the BEST!  I had spergetters and eggs and there was something else tasty in there or on it.  All I had was hooman food, none of my kibble.  I really liked that! 

The next day, it was the same thing!  All hooman food.  We had lots of eggs when we were in the hotel.  I love eggs.  I had scrambled eggs again!  I wonder what is so special?

Since then, it is back to normal. Some kibble, some vegetables, sometimes some chicken.  And they don't forget to put the garbage up if they go somewhere.  I'm glad I still get my  Kong toy!
We had to go grocery shopping and somehow missed putting the garbage pail up on the counter before leaving.  When we thought of it, there was nothing we could do, and besides, there was hardly anything in it.

However, what was in it was a discarded package wrapper for turkey hot dogs.  (I don't eat those things, Harry's Dad does.)  So, I didn't know about it.  At any rate, when we got home, there was the garbage strewn in the kitchen and a little bit spilled over into the living room.

At that point my husband started panicking because of the turkey dog wrapper.  We could not be sure, but it appeared that he may have ingested some of the plastic.  Having had dogs all my life, I had a good idea what to do and what to watch for, but double checked on the internet.  Sure enough, eggs and olive oil.

So I scrambled up some eggs, I already had some plain leftover spaghetti, and I doused it all with a tablespoon of olive oil.  Harry snarfed it up.

He walked with his happy meter going and seemed fine, and we were relieved that he pooped!  I continued to watch him closely, though.

Next morning, happy boy was ready for his morning walk, pooped again and was delighted that I was cooking for him.   All is well in Spotter land.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

I'm as restless as a willow in a windstorm....

Sometimes I think we live in a park now.  There are so many big trees and some hills and I really love going on my walks now, so I go on three BIG walks everyday!!

It's been really cold, but yesterday was warm!  And the sun was shining and we all got in the car!  Oh boy!  I know what that means!   Yep.  We went to the pretty park again with a stream and ducks and all kinds of good smelly stuff!

It was such a nice day that there were lots and lots of dogs running around!  I met a little dog named Molly.  She kind of looked like me, only smaller, haha, and a different color....but we sniffed and wagged our happy meters and jumped around a little and got tangled up in our leashes!  

Golly, I saw a Doberman and a Border Collie and a Golden and a Labradoodle and a bull dog.  They weren't too close to me so I just yelled "Hello!" to them.  

This time we started to go across a bridge, but it was scary!  It made noise and was wobbly and I felt wobbly and I didn't like it, so we turned around.  There was another bridge that didn't wobble, so I was okay with that one.

Then we sat down and I had a snack and some water.  A family came up to me.  A girl was in a rolling chair and wanted to meet ME.  So I, Harry Spotter, tried to make myself as tall as I could.  She liked me.  I liked her, too!

Then a man came up and asked to meet me.  He pat my head and held my face and told me how handsome I am!  

Then we walked again and there were some boys on bicycles.  They wanted to meet me, too.  I'm a pretty popular pup!  

Before we went home I met another little dog.  We rubbed noses!

Then it was almost suppertime.  I know because my tummy was telling me what time it was.  

I had lots of fun at the park!

We had a rogue warm day and it seemed like everyone came out to the park.  Dogs galore!  Mr. Spotter was uptail and waggy.  There is something about Harry that people pick up on.  I didn't see other dogs getting the attention he was.  It must be his gentle nature.  Anyway, he got pets and compliments and some nice social time with some other pups.  

The only thing he didn't care for was one bridge which is a suspension bridge over the rather large "creek."  To tell the truth, I didn't like it, either!  The slats moved and made noise when you stepped on them.  It is a very substantial bridge and I have no doubt it is sturdy and strong, but it freaked Harry out, I could see him start to tremble, so we quickly turned around and went back to the banks.

All in all, it was a very lovely day.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The weather outside is frightful....

I don't know where you are, but where I am it is very, very COLD!!  Super duper cold!  I like to stay snuggled up with Mom in the morning for as long as I can!  And I get right down to business when we have to go out.  All I want to do is get back inside where it's warm.

My pack is getting ready for a storm.  I can tell.  We are all stocked up with stuff.  And my popcorn is spread all over the bed.  And I have a sweater and my Kodiac coat, too, if I need them.  

Mom has been making my food warm!  Oh, boy, I like that!  It smells so good and it's just for me and I don't care if my coat is still on, I leap into the kitchen for my breakfast and suppertime!  Yay!

So, you better get ready, too.  Make sure you have food and warm things.  Don't stay outside too long.  Don't even go out if you don't have to!!!   Stay inside and snuggle.  I'm not kidding!

A huge winter storm is expected tomorrow.  Some snow, but the biggest problem will be the severe winds combined with frigid temperatures.  Bring your pets inside.  Don't expose them to this, it is dangerous.  

We have Harry's "popcorn" throw on the bed for an extra layer of warmth.  He has a comfy sweater, which he hates, and his heavy, lined coat.  Even so, our walks are abbreviated.  As soon as he does his "business" he heads right back for the door!  Good boy!