Well, one day a little while ago, we all went down to the "passagiata." That's a nice, brick walkway just outside of the big gate. It is where some of my favorite places are. There is some dirt and grass and other good smelly green stuff because there is a park on one side. And, there is Tibo. It's a hooman place that let's us doggos in. In the hot weather, they give me my very own cup of ice to keep me cool.
And then there is Con Amore. My FAVORITE favorite place because they have gelato. They know me there now, 'cause I'm a "regular." Mmmmmmm...
So, we were walking on the passagiata and I know the way very well now, so I made sure my pack knew that we had to get gelato. But...huh? It was very strange. I could not get in. I couldn't even find the door! Where is everybody? What happened? I kept looking, but I guess there was no one there, so I decided we had to head home. I was sad, though.
But I wasn't sad yesterday! We went on a big walk because it wasn't cold out and my favorite place was WIDE open, they even left the door open for me! It was so nice to be out on a nice, sunny day having a gelato with my pack!
When the weather permits, we like to take a stroll on Sunday afternoons. This winter has been very mild, so we were able to venture out even in the middle of January. However, I had forgotten that Con Amore, the ice cream café, changed their hours for the winter months and closed on Sunday.
Harry was perplexed. He very assuredly led us to the door, but the safety grate was down. Poor Harry couldn't even see or find the door! He must have been very disappointed because he kept trying for a couple of minutes before he decided it was no use. I felt so sorry for him!
So we changed our "routine" and on the next really nice day - in February, when it hit over 60 degrees Fahrenheit, we took a walk along the promenade on Saturday afternoon. This time, the store was open and Harry marched right in. "One small yogurt, please...just for me. I don't need a spoon, grazie."