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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Our house is a very, very, very fine house.

Did you know I like cats?  Yep, I do!! I like kitties and they usually like me, too.  

I don't have a cat of my own, but there are lots of kitties outside here.  Mom feeds them.  

Some of them come around all the time, so I get to know them.  One little guy gets pets and stuff from Mom.  We rub noses.  They aren't afraid of me.  Well, some of them aren't afraid of me, anyway.

Mom calls the friendliest one "Scruff."  Sometimes he even comes into my courtyard.  I don't mind that.  But things are getting scary now.  Now my little room that I flew over the ocean in is in the courtyard.  I think that my pack wants the kitties to sleep in there.  It is pretty nice - nice and big and comfy inside.  I hope that is all they want because I like my beds and I don't want to share them.  I like kitties, but they can't have my beds.  Nope.  

Sadly in this hill town there is no program for stray cats or dogs.  It breaks my heart to see animals without a home.

One of the street cats had kittens last spring and I began handling the little ones early on.  Scruff, Ink (Incubo) and Pirate.  Pirate, as a baby kitten, got into a fight with a big cat and had a serious eye injury.  It proved fatal in the long run.

Ink and Scruff trusted  me more.  In fact, Scruff also had an eye problem, some sort of infection, and I was able to help him recover by getting antibiotic drops into his eyes. With that, he began trusting me more.  I can handle him and I get schmoozes and purrs.

Now the whole family comes, usually for dinner - Mamma, Sib (from a previous litter), Scruff and Ink.  There are others who show up but not on a regular basis.

The plan is to get as many of them as possible to the veterinarian and have them neutered.  We hope to make a tiny dent in the problem of homeless street cats.  Now I try to coax them into coming in for the night to sleep in Harry's kennel.  No success yet, but we will keep trying.

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