I've been keeping busy with kitties. Lots and lots of kitties. I don't mind them too much, only sometimes. Like when they steal my beds and then they won't get up when I ask them to. Mmmmmph. I get a little annoyed.
One of them tries to take food out of my bowl, too. I don't like that either. So now we all eat at the same time.
And we have another kitty now. His name is Lupo. He is sort of in the house and sort of not right now. I guess everyone is taking their time getting used to him. He is a strange little dude. He has a funny voice and he talks a lot. He's sort of ugly but he's very friendly. Sometimes he is TOO friendly and tries to play with me. Or he wakes me up when I am having a nice nap. He's just a baby, I guess.
Then, finally, on a nice day the whole pack took a big walk! I was so, so, so happy. And guess what? My ice cream store was open!! Yeah!! I had ice cream again. I couldn't believe it. It's been such a long time!
Maybe I can get back to having adventures now! I sure hope so!
The quarantine is slowly being lifted with gradual reopenings. Hours are still restricted, restaurants are "take out" only. Barriers are in place inside businesses and masks are mandatory.
But, in spite of that, life is returning to some semblance of the former normal. Cafes are open, again with limited hours for now. But we took the opportunity to go to ConAmore for gelato, and a yogurt for Harry, which he happily slurped down.
Truthfully, I have been quite worried about Harry lately and so I was not able to write. He had a couple of blood tests taken because of a problem he has been having and we had to await the results. Turns out, he has allergies, just as he did in New Jersey. We are once again adding Omega3 to his food every day and he is improving.
Meanwhile, the kittens are becoming regular homebodies. Lupo (Wolf) has recently joined the cast of characters. He is about 6 or 7 months old. I have no idea where he came from, but he was a mess. An extremely friendly mess. Now that he is clean and well fed, he is looking somewhat better. He has not been neutered yet, so he sleeps in his luxurious accommodations (a cage with a loft bed) in the cortile. It is raised off the tiles and covered in an old quilt to keep him warm at night.
We've been working on his gradual introduction because both Scruff and Imp were rather miffed at his presence. They are, however, coming around.
In about a week he will visit the vet and come inside permanently.