See? She's all dressed up in a jacket AND a hat!
Another little guy who is my friend is Beau. He used to growl and bark at me until we finally got to rub noses! Now he runs up to me as fast as he can!
And then there is Carrie! Haha! Harry met Carrie! She sort of looks like me but she is much smaller than I am! Oh, and most of us are rescues! Yep!
Sometimes I meet these guys. They are French. I'm not sure what that means. It sounds fancy! But this is Teddy and Sophie.
It got warm one day and on the same day I saw Teddy and Sophie, I met up with Julian, too! What fun! He's wearing a "Batman" bandana! Haha! He's no match for Super Spotter!
My smallest buddy of all is Joey. Joey is tiny, tiny, tiny. But, guess what? He is sort of famous, too, because he is a HERO! He chased a BEAR out of someone's house! Yep, a bear! Joey is smaller than most cats, but he is BRAVE! He gets a Super Spotter award!
My sweet friend, Dora, moved away. That made me sad for a while. But I'm not so sad anymore because I met Kai. She is new to the neighborhood and really, really nice. She's awfully pretty, too. See? Isn't she beautiful? I like Kai a lot!
Because it's been winter, I haven't seen as many of my friends as I usually do, so I was happy my personal photographer was able to get pictures of this many of my buddies! And I have even more! I'm a pretty lucky dog!