This is great! This is so great! It's such a beautiful day and the sun is shining! And it's nice and warm, just the way I like it! I'm running around with my friends - all of them! What fun! Rudy is here and Daisy and Dora and Reggie! Wow! We're all just running around and having fun! Our people are over there and they are smiling! This is perfect! I'm so happy, I am so, so happy!
We were just sitting in the living room, watching TV. Harry was sound asleep on his couch, which sits in front of our couch, but across the room from the chairs where we usually hang out. I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. This was something new. This was something wonderful. Harry has twitched, boofed (barked) and howled in his sleep, making us wonder if he was having puppymares. This, however, brought a smile to my face. His tail was wagging. He was having a happy dream! Finally! At last he has had enough good experiences to have a happy dream! Good boy! We love you so. Keep that happy meter going!