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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome...

 Hi, folks!  Gosh, has it been hot! I've been having a lazy, long hot summer.  Of course, the kitties keep me busy.  I have to make sure they don't steal my food, or my beds.  Sometimes I have to "shoo" them out of my beds.  They are getting a little better at behaving.  I must be a very good trainer!!

And guess what?  We have ANOTHER ONE!!  This one is a little, tiny girl kitten.  Her name is "Notte"...that means "night" in Italian.  Mom says she is a "bella Notte!" That makes an awful lot of kitties for me to be in charge of!!

It's been too hot to take long walks.  So I haven't been to the gelato store in a while, where I get my ice cream.  But that's ok because Mom made some at home just for me!!  AND it's peanut butter, just like I used to have back across the big ocean!!  I LOVE IT!!! 


Sure hope it cools down soon so I can spend more time outside exploring!


Six cats.  We have six cats.  That was  not the plan, but that is what has happened.  Just as we were getting ready to have the recent Mamma spayed (and getting her kittens used to us)  some sick monster dropped poison in the street.  Mamma and one kitten died, and also Scruff's "brother" Sib.  It was awful.

Then little Notte was an orphan.  She had already been introduced to us by her mother, so she came to our door often.  Soon she started playing in the courtyard and sleeping near our door, which is not a wise or safe thing to we took her in.

She has acclimated quickly and easily and has become one of "the gang."  

Scruff and Missy Tee, the first ones to come inside, are now official full-fledged house cats with the run of the place both day and night.  Because they are still "kittens"...the others spend the night in their luxurious accomodations in the back room.  Soon, Imp and Calzini will graduate too.  At some point we won't need any cages anymore.  

African winds are making for a hot, dry spell which we hope ends soon.  It is just too hot to walk anywhere and we don't want to hurt Harry's paws.  So I made him "ice cream" from peanut butter and plain Greek yogurt - just like old times!!

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