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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I'm changing...arranging....I'm changing...

I've been cooped up with these kitties an awful lot lately.  We don't go on our big walks anymore and I hardly ever see my buddies.  I saw Re the other day.  Once in a while I get to say hello to Jack.  And we NEVER go for gelato, either.  I really miss that.  It's getting really nice outside, so I don't understand why we never go anywhere anymore.

At least I got to go out on my balcony.  My comfy pad is out there again.  I like to check on my kingdom. is very, very quiet out there.  Almost no one goes walking by.  

And, guess what?  I used to be annoyed by the kitties.  Mom keeps saying, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."  **Sigh**   So, I decided to be more like a kitty.  It is working out pretty well, too.  I let them "schmooze" me.  I even learned how to do it myself!!  Sometimes I schmooze Mom and Dad.  Haha...really, I do!  

And it is much better, too, since I decided to have my dinner at the same time as those pesky kittens.  That way they don't bother me and try to steal my spagetters.  

I had to put my paws down, though, about  my favorite bed.  Every one of them tries to take over my favorite bed.  They have lots and lots of soft, comfy places to plop.  My bed is OFF limits!!  It's really easy.  I just start getting into my bed...and pretty soon they have no they HAVE to move!  No more Mr. Nice Pup from me!

Otherwise, it's been boring.  But I will keep you posted about how I am becoming a cat. Sort of.  


We are in the fifth week of quarantine.  The town provides daily updates via social media about the status.  Currently, we are still a "Red Zone" until April 19th.  

The house is clean, the laundry is more than caught up, and cats and Harry are settling into routines and getting more comfortable with one another.

Stay home, stay healthy.

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