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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

You ain't nothing but a hound dog.....

I'm a pretty smart pup.  Have I told you that before? I have noticed in my travels that some dogs belong to clubs.  Yep, they do.  Some are in little dog clubs and they don't like dogs that aren't little, too.  At least, not too  much.  Some little dogs are nice but most of them bark at me.  I don't think it's very nice.

And there is a Golden club.  I have seen that with my very own, very sharp eyes.  And at the big dog store I noticed a Dobie club.  Hmmmm.  One of the Dobies at the store was a girl.  She was REAL pretty.

I didn't think I had a club.  But then another time at the big dog store, I was looking for Mom so I called her.  And a little hooman boy said, "Sounds like a hound."  Hound?  I have heard that word before.  Mom sometimes sings a funny song to me with that word.  Am I a hound?

The weather has been getting just a teeny tiny bit better.  So my pack and I have started to make our walks just a little longer.  Around the corner and on the other side, we were walking one day and there was a dog outside of their house.  Big, like me.  Even a little bigger.  Floppy ears, long snout....friendly, too!   Mom said "hound."  

Now, when we walk, if that hound is outside, he just nods at us.  And I nod back.  We don't bark at each other or make a fuss.  We just say "hello" hound style.  I think I have a club of my own!  The Hound Club!  Yay!

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