Mom and Dad went out. I had a treat and my Kong toy. I love my Kong toy, it has treats inside. I have to get them! It's fun.
I guess I could have taken a nap. But something was all good smelly in the garbage and they forgot and left it on the floor. It smelled SO good! And nobody was yelling. So I tipped it over and went foraging. There wasn't much in there. But I found the good smelly thing. Smells like turkey! Ooooooh. Yumbers.
But when they came back home, there was yelling. Uh-oh. I ran to the bedroom so they couldn't see me. They were upset. And they had to get that noisy clean up monster out.
After a while there was no more yelling and the monster went back in the closet. But Mom and Dad were still upset. I could just tell.
What's really funny is my suppertime was the BEST! I had spergetters and eggs and there was something else tasty in there or on it. All I had was hooman food, none of my kibble. I really liked that!
The next day, it was the same thing! All hooman food. We had lots of eggs when we were in the hotel. I love eggs. I had scrambled eggs again! I wonder what is so special?
Since then, it is back to normal. Some kibble, some vegetables, sometimes some chicken. And they don't forget to put the garbage up if they go somewhere. I'm glad I still get my Kong toy!
We had to go grocery shopping and somehow missed putting the garbage pail up on the counter before leaving. When we thought of it, there was nothing we could do, and besides, there was hardly anything in it.However, what was in it was a discarded package wrapper for turkey hot dogs. (I don't eat those things, Harry's Dad does.) So, I didn't know about it. At any rate, when we got home, there was the garbage strewn in the kitchen and a little bit spilled over into the living room.
At that point my husband started panicking because of the turkey dog wrapper. We could not be sure, but it appeared that he may have ingested some of the plastic. Having had dogs all my life, I had a good idea what to do and what to watch for, but double checked on the internet. Sure enough, eggs and olive oil.
So I scrambled up some eggs, I already had some plain leftover spaghetti, and I doused it all with a tablespoon of olive oil. Harry snarfed it up.
He walked with his happy meter going and seemed fine, and we were relieved that he pooped! I continued to watch him closely, though.
Next morning, happy boy was ready for his morning walk, pooped again and was delighted that I was cooking for him. All is well in Spotter land.
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