Boy, oh boy, do I like summer! I've been getting lots of doggie ice cream! My most favorite thing in the whole world!! I get ice cream after our big evening walk....not everyday, but lots more because it's hot outside.
And the other nice thing is I get to see my friends more! Nobody likes to go out in the winter, but everybody is outside now! Yay!
We take bigger walks now, too. I get to try and chase chipmunks, but Mom gets mad at me. And sometimes I find something tasty on the ground. Mom gets mad at me when I do that, too. She yells at me. So I drop what I have. Darn it. It was just a tasty morsel, Mom......why can't I have it? Oh well, ice cream is better, anyway.
It happens every summer. Little frogs are born and some of them don't make it. There are always a few that dry up on the pavement. Harry has a fondness for them. Ick. Aggghhh! He is very fast and slurps them up like lightning. But I keep a close watch. "DROP IT!" And he does. I suppose for him it is like a piece of jerky. And to think of all the wonderful things I feed him. You can take the dog out of the street, but.....
Harry, you dog!! Love it!