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Friday, June 6, 2014

Harry is camera shy.....

Oh, boy!  I have a blog!   This is great!   I have a book, too!   Who would've thought?  What a lucky dog I am!   Let me show you around......

This is my couch.  I love my couch, I can rest my head on the sides or stretch out or snuggle up!  That's me on my couch!

That's my bowls for breakfast and suppertime!  There I am getting some water.  I LOVE suppertime!  After suppertime I go on a walk and if I'm lucky I'll see Daisy, my friend.

That's me in my bed, that's where I sleep at night until the sun comes up and then I jump up in bed with Mom and Dad until it's time for a walk and breakfast.

Here I am in the living room.  Don't take my picture, Mom, pleeeeaaaaassseeee.
What?  There's no dog in the picutres?  Yes there is, or was.  Although Harry was having his picture taken, he managed to run away quickly enough so that only the tip of his tail appears in the picture of his bed.  Harry is afraid of having his picture taken and cannot stand flashing lights in a camera, on a police car or even in a TV commercial.  They frighten him terribly.  That is why his book is illustrated (by Alyx Weaver).  Sometimes, on a bright, sunny day or if he is deeply, sound asleep, though, it is possible to see the REAL Harry Spotter!
(Please "like" Harry's Facebook page - "The Amazing Canine Adventures of Harry Spotter")

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