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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

I'm leaving on a jet plane.....

Mmmmmm.  Mom went away.  She went away for a long, long time.  It seemed like FOREVER!  I was so, so happy when she came back!   I had a nice walk with Kai one day, but I still missed my Mom.  Something is going on, though.   I don't know what it is.  Mom and Dad are yammering away lots and lots.  Yammer, yammer.  Talk, talk, talk.......Mom didn't feel too good for a couple of days, but I was so glad to have my morning nap partner back!  What's all this yammering?  Oh, well......speaking of naps......I didn't sleep so well when Mom was away....I think I will settle in for a nice nap.  Maybe I will dream of being Super Spotter!

I was away for 5 days.  I was in Europe.  A bad case of jet lag followed me home. Harry has some surprises in his future.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Good Morning, Starshine....

The days are getting a little nicer, but in the morning it's still chilly!  So I try to find warm, sunny spots to nap in.   I have another couch in Dad's office....sometimes I keep him company there and soak up some sun.

 Ohhh, that feels so good!  My ears get nice and toasty!

Then other times, I  keep Mom company in the living room....she warms up with hot tea and I warm up in the sun spot coming through the window!  

It's nice to get warm in the sun spots, but  I sure do wish Spring would hurry up!